As the Child | Data | Citizen project progresses we will share with you the books, articles and research papers that we find interesting and that inform our understanding of the relationship between big data and family life.  Our mission is to share as many open access resources as we can, but we will also add to the list those resources that are not open access. If you want us to add specific references, please leave us a comment below.

On Digital Parenthood and Children’s Privacy

Ammari, T., Kumar, P., Lampe, C., and Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2015). “Managing Children’s Online Identities: How Parents Decide what to Disclose about their Children Online.” In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’15). Seoul, Korea. April 18-23, 2015.

Blackwell, Lindsay; Emma Gardiner and Sarita Schoenebeck. (2016). “Managing Expectations: Technology Tensions among Parents and Teens.” In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW ’16). San Francisco, CA. Feb 27-Mar 2, 2016.

Blackwell, Lindsay; Jean Hardy, Tawfiq Ammari, Tiffany Veinot, Cliff Lampe, Sarita Schoenebeck. (2016). “LGBT Parents and Social Media: Advocacy, Privacy, and Disclosure during Shifting Social Movements.” In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’16). San Jose, CA. May 7-12, 2016.

Blum-Ross, Alicia and Livingstone, Sonia (2016) Sharenting: parent blogging and the boundaries of the digital self. Popular Communication

Leaver Tama and Nansen Bjorn (Eds.) (2017) Infancy Online, Special Issue on Social Media and Society

Livingstone, Sonia and Third, Amanda (2017) Children’s and Young People’s Rights in the Digital Age Special Issue, New Media and Society

Lupton, D., & Thomas, G. M. (2015). Playing Pregnancy: The Ludification and Gamification of Expectant Motherhood in Smartphone Apps. M/C Journal, 18(5).

Kumar, P. and Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2015). “The Modern Day Baby Book: Enacting Good Mothering and Stewarding Privacy on Facebook.” In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW ’15). Vancouver, Canada. March 14-18, 2015.

Schofield Clark, Lynn (2012) The Parent App: Understanding Families in the Digital Age, Oxford University Press

On Big Data, Privacy and Surveillance

Andrejevic, M. (2007) ISpy: Surveillance and Power in the Interactive Era, University Press of Kanasas

Beer, David (2016) How should we do the History of Big Data? in Big Data and Society

Clarke, Roger (1988) Information Technology and Dataveillance,

Crawford, Kate, Lingel Jessa and Tero Karppi, (2015) ‘Our Metrics, Ourselves: A Hundred Years of Self-Tracking From The Weight Scale to The Wrist Wearable Device‘, European Journal of Cultural Studies.

Elmer, Greg (2003) Profiling Machines: Mapping the Personal Information Economy, MIT Press

Hintz, Arne; Dencik, Lina and Wahl-Jorgensen Karin (2017) Digital Citizenship and Surveillance Special Issue in International Journal of Communication

Lyon, David (2014) Surveillance, Snowden, and Big Data: Capacities, Consequences and Critique, in Big Data and Society.

Lyon, David (2015) Surveillance After Snowden, Wiley Publishers.

Lyon, David (2001) Surveillance Society: Monitoring Everyday Life, Open University Press

Lupton, Deborah (2016) The Quantified Self, Jon Wiley and Sons.

Mayer -Schonberger, Viktor and Cukier Kenneth (2013) Big Data: a Revolution that will transform how we Live, Work and Think, London, U.K.: John Murray Publishers

Metcalf, Jacob and Crawford, Kate (2016) Where are the Human Subjects in Big Data Research? in Big Data and Society.

Mosco, Vincent (2014) To the Cloud: Big Data in a Turbolent World, Routledge.

Nissenbaum, Helen (2010) Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy and Integrity of Social Life, Stanford University Press.

Schneir, Bruce (2015) Data and Goliah: The Hidden Battles to Collect your Data and Control your World, WW. Norton Publishing.

Zwitter, Andrej (2014) Big Data Ethics, in Big Data and Society