BabyVeillance on Pregnancy Apps

When we think about the ways in which children’s data is collected and used we need to start from the very beginning and look at the rapid growth in use of pregnancy apps. Today, a great majority of parents download one or more of these apps on their phones and other technologies to monitor, track […]
Photos for you life: Google Photos

Last year, Google announced on its Research Blog the release of the ‘Show and Tell’ free software, which is now free to download on Tensorflow. The software, is able to read the content of images and describe them by adding full sentences in English. For people working with large images data sets this can be […]
Is Your Face Big Data?

As ordinary citizens, we know very little about the accuracy of facial recognition softwares. We of course may know that facial recognition is used by the police and security forces to identify criminals. We also may know that a couple of years ago Facebook launched its DeepFace facial recognition technology, which is able to identify individuals […]
The Political Profiling of Children

On the 21st of September, 2016, I published a short article on the ‘Parenting for a Digital Future’ blog that discusses a piece of research that I carried out on activists’ families. The article argues that activist families often portray their children on social media as political subjects, and questions whether these digital traces may […]
Can you sue your parents for posting?

When I was in my early teens in the Nineties I read a book by Paula Danziger titled Can You Sue Your Parents for Mal Practice? The book, which was published in 1979 was more than a decade old but felt so timely as a coming of age novel. The heroine in the book had […]